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Infill Video Series - Filling Your Vacant Lots

Infill Video Series
ROC Training and Information

Filling empty lots keeps your co-op attractive and affordable

Empty house lots can reduce a resident-owned community's income by thousands of dollars each year. That’s money that could help reduce or stabilize rent; upgrade your water, wastewater, electrical or road systems; or even pay for community wish list items like a new playground or beautification projects. This video series explains why and how to fill your co-op's lots, and presents options for paying for the project.

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1. Introduction to infill

Infill means turning your co-op's vacant lots into revenue-producing homes and adding beauty and potential volunteers to your community.

2. Getting started

How to get an infill project going in your community, including how to involve your neighbors, create a committee, and collect the information you’ll need. Download: What makes your community special?

3. You'll need help

Working with experienced professionals can make filling your vacant lots much easier. The kind of help you need depends mostly on who is going to be responsible for selling and installing the homes.

4. Paying for it

Unless you have a retailer willing to place and sell a home on your vacant lot, your co-op will need to invest some money in your infill project. Fortunately, N.H. ROCs have several options.

5. Finding homes

Selecting the right home to put on your lot is really important. You’ll want to select one that compliments your community and is attractive to buyers in the current market. A Realtor can help.

6. Prep and placement

Preparing the lot and placing the home are two of the most time-intensive—and important—steps in your project. You’re going to need help, and your co-op’s infill committee, directors, or property manager will need to manage the project.

7. Selling the home

Why and how real estate professionals use the Multiple Listing Service database to sell homes, and how you can create a pre-sale checklist and prepare your co-op for a new member.


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