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Invest in Your Neighbors & Community

An investment in the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund is an investment in your neighbors. Together, we build stronger and more self-reliant communities while you earn returns that are both financial and social.

Apply to Invest
Family in a backroom of a store

Your Investment Makes A Difference

When you invest as little as $1,000 with us, we immediately put your money to work in a variety of ways that lift people and communities that may not have access to the loans they need. Here are some of the highlights.

Contact Us

Contact Katie McQuaid, our Vice President of External Relations to talk about how we can put your investment to work.

Call Katie: (603) 856-0728

Email Katie
Katie mcquaid dkgreen

The Investment Process

Through your investment, we are able to generate $2.19 in economic impact for every dollar that we lend.

Investment process step 1

We Lend from Our Investment Pool

The money that people and institutions invest in us, combined with our own capital, creates the pool of funds from which we lend. You can invest as little as $1,000.

Investment process step 2

Responsible People Borrow From Us

Our borrowers are people, businesses, and nonprofit organizations that won’t qualify for a bank loan that meets their needs but are motivated to achieve their goals — including repayment.

Investment process step 3

Coaching Helps Our Borrowers Succeed

Defaults on our loans are rare because, along with the financing, we connect our borrowers with the customized education, coaching, and support that helps them reach their goals and repay their loan.

Investment process step 4

Nearly 85% of Our Investors Reinvest

Near the end of your investment’s term, we’ll contact you with the opportunity to be repaid or to reinvest with us. If you choose to reinvest, you will again select your term and interest rate. We have a spotless record of 100% repayment to our investors since our founding in 1983.

Investment process step 1
Investors Choose an Annual Fixed Rate of Interest

0 to 10 Years

Up to1%

1 or 2 Years

Up to2.5%

3 or 4 Years

Up to3%

5 or 6 Years

Up to3.5%

7+ Years

NOTE: Rates for new investments or renewals are subject to change.

Investments at 0% and 1% are absolutely vital to our ability to innovate and shape loan terms to the needs of our borrowers. One example is ROC conversions, in which we try to keep homeowners’ lot rents as affordable as possible.

100% Opportunity Club

Dozens of individuals and institutions have chosen a 0%-interest option while investing with us. This means 100% of the interest they would have earned instead offers extra assistance to borrowers who need it, making loans even more affordable.

If you would like to make a 0% investment with us, please contact Director of Donor Relations & Impact Investing Martha Dickey.

Call Martha: (603) 856-0729

Email Martha
Martha dickey ltgreen

Social Returns

We say our investors earn returns that are both financial and social. While most people are familiar with financial returns, some social returns are less obvious. Explore their benefits below.

Improved Education Outcomes

Kids do better in school when they have secure housing and high-quality childcare.

Improved Personal and Community Self-reliance

Local energy efficiency investments put the power of energy costs and maintenance in the hands of individuals and communities.

Health, Psychological, Employment, and Safety Benefits

Reducing housing insecurity and increasing homeownership rates lower crime and divorce rates while improving job performance.

When people have secure, affordable, housing they are able to show up to work rested and more often. This has the natural effect of improving job performance, leading to long-term employment — a boon to families and local economies.

The work is so vital, and the payoff is happening every day.

Joe KeefeImpax Asset Management

They make a difference in the lives of fellow N.H. folks.

Becky BerkDonor and Investor
More Quality Jobs

Small businesses are the primary employers for people across the state. This is especially true in rural areas and small towns. By investing with us, you are providing opportunities for small businesses to grow, prosper, and offer more quality local jobs.

We specialize in supporting local food systems, including farms, dairies, restaurants, distributors, and markets. Feel satisfied while shopping at a local farmers market or collecting your CSA share, knowing you’re helping put fresh food on your table and the tables of farmers and their employees.

A group huddled around computers
Beekeeper with a hive

Financial Stability

As one of the longest standing Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) in the US, we stand on a firm financial foundation. Our FY2023 financials make this clear. With over $40 million in total net assets and more than $2.4 million in revenue, we continue the spotless 100% investor repayment we have maintained over our 40+ years in operation.

We believe our dedication to protecting the interests of our investors is one of the reasons why impact investors continue to trust us to make a difference in N.H. communities and lift up our neighbors.

Mt washington valley roc celebrating
Roc park office

Our Expansive Vision

Our leadership position among national CDFIs, and our acquisition of Northern Community Investment Capital (NCIC) have encouraged us to support and partner with people, organizations, and communities beyond N.H.’s borders.

Today, New Hampshire and Vermont are where we primarily seek to create equitable economic environments for all. Our aim is to expand this ripple effect into other New England states where it makes sense given our screening criteria and continue to share our knowledge and expertise nationally.

We welcome impact investors who are ready to grow with us as we expand our neighbors-investing-in-neighbors philosophy to more communities.

Why We Need Your Investment

When doing your due diligence to decide whether or not to invest with us, you may have noticed that we have received a significant amount of government funds. Perhaps you have wondered why we need local investors if we are receiving government funds. Rest assured, we’re not funded by either the state or federal government.

Federal, state, and local governments offer many grant programs that fund ideas and projects that provide public services and stimulate the economy. Most of the  government funds we receive are passed directly through to the communities we serve.

We apply, or help our borrowers apply, for grants that provide a direct benefit to the people we serve. Example projects include community solar arrays and water, sewer, and electrical infrastructure improvements at resident-owned communities.

The majority of these funds don’t pay for our operations or programs. Instead, government departments and programs come to us because we have the expertise, network, and experience to administer and distribute these funds across N.H. In essence, they pass through us, are disbursed into the community, and we are permitted to retain a small amount of the funds to cover some our distribution costs.

When you hear that we’ve received a large federal grant, it doesn’t mean that we no longer need donations and investments from our traditional supporters. It usually means we need neighbors to help neighbors in a different way. It means we’re taking on a new project or program that costs more to administer than we are given to cover those costs. It means your support is needed more than ever.

Get the details about the government grants and loans we administer and disburse.

Partner With Us

If you’re a nonprofit, affordable housing developer, government agency, or community development funder, please contact us to discuss working together.

A head of lettuce

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