Small Business Development
Microloan Program -

As an SBA micro lender, we can provide loans up to $50,000 to help entrepreneurs with working capital, equipment, purchases, and more.

Neighbors Investing in Neighbors

We provide people and communities with loans, coaching, and guidance that enables them to become economically secure.

Our Impact
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Women in roc training

Opportunity for All

We envision a future where everyone has access to the financial, human, and civic resources they need to live secure and prosperous lives.

Focus Areas

From helping you purchase a manufactured home, to strengthening small businesses and nonprofits, and supporting entire towns as they work to secure financing, our services support the security and growth of people and communities.

  • Affordable homes
    Affordable Homes

    Loans and support for manufactured-home buyers, homeowners who want to refinance or make home improvements, and developers building multi-family housing.

  • Rocs
    Resident-owned Communities

    Loans, coaching, and advice for manufactured-home owners whose park is for sale or already live in a resident-owned community (ROC).

  • Small nonprofit
    Small Businesses & Nonprofits

    Customized loans to strengthen and expand local businesses and nonprofits, including farm and food producers and childcare centers.

  • Towns manicipalities
    Small Towns & Municipalities

    Assisting towns and municipalities in planning for economic development by securing funding and implementing projects per funder rules and regulations.

Short Creek Stills 1
Annual Report

Our 2024 Annual Report

2024 was a meaningful and inspirational year working with investors, borrowers, and partners across New Hampshire, Vermont, and beyond to build stronger communities and help people achieve their dreams. Find out how we’re moving forward into our next chapter in our Annual Report.

Measurable Results

We affect lives across the state. If you live in New Hampshire, it’s 99.9% likely that you live within 10 miles of a Community Loan Fund borrower.


Affordable homes saved or preserved across the state


businesses supported over our 40-year history





Aerial shot of a roc

Why Invest

When you invest with us, you have the opportunity to receive a combination of financial and social returns — wins for both you and the community.

We've always been guided by relationships and faith in regular people. Seventy-seven percent of our investors are individuals and we have a 100% investor repayment record. In addition to an established record of supporting entrepreneurs, we invest in local renewable energy aimed at empowering homeowners and businesses to be self-reliant.

Founders of the ROC model, we are recognized nationally as innovators in the preservation and financing of affordable manufactured homes.

Service Areas

Our neighbors-investing-in-neighbors model is aimed at building stronger, resilient, and more self-reliant communities, improving the lives of people throughout New Hampshire, and serving as a model across the U.S.

With the Community Loan Fund, the work is so vital, and the payoff is happening every day. That’s what impact is.

Joe KeefeImpax Asset Management

If the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund  had not made this happen, Keene would not have an entire section of its beautiful city rehabilitated.

Bob ElliottFormer staff, Monadnock Economic Development Corporation

The Community Loan Fund brings a sense of possibility and abundance to a part of the population that grew up with a sense of scarcity. We look at what people have, not at what they don’t have. We adapt ourselves to what people can do.

Julie EadesNew Hampshire Community Loan Fund, Founding President
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Invest in Your Community

Get the details on how to become an impact investor and put your funds to good use helping your neighbors and your community.

Donate to Our Mission

Your donation helps fund our work as a resource for the dynamic communities and people we have the honor of serving.

Wide shot roc

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