ROC Residents
Our ROC-NH team helps residents of resident-owned manufactured-home communities (ROCs) across New Hampshire preserve their homes and create stronger, more vibrant communities.

Resources for ROC Residents
In addition to our online resources library, we provide in-person trainings for and about ROCs — including N.H. laws and standards, cooperative and resident ownership, community infrastructure, and more.
Would you like to learn more about ROCs?
- How they operate
- Benefits of living in a ROC
- Rights and responsibilities of members
We offer in-person and online training events for ROC residents to build stronger communities. Continue visiting to explore new training opportunities and our expanding library of on-demand videos, designed to build stronger communities.
View Upcoming Training OpportunitiesROC-2-ROC is a member-led association of residents from N.H. ROCs who share knowledge and resources to solve mutual problems and build communities. Their goals include:
Develop engagement opportunities for ROCs at meetings on the 1st Thursday of every month and provide frequent opportunities that are responsive to community needs, collaborative, and aligned with ROCs supporting ROCs.
Present information and provide assistance in ways that enable co-op community members to participate, build skills, network with other co-ops, problem-solve, and develop supportive relationships across N.H. co-ops.
Share knowledge with and learn alongside the national ROC network.
Participate and lead advocacy efforts that give voice to residents and maximize the strength, stability, and sustainability of ROCs in N.H.
Cultivate ROC Ambassadors as spokespersons for the ROC movement in N.H. and across the country.
Contact UsThe Mobile/Manufactured-Home Owners and Tenants Association of NH (MOTA-NH) works with manufactured-home residents in parks and ROCs to help protect their rights and provide them with resources to live their best lives. It relies on the power of ROC residents when they share their stories with lawmakers, policy makers, and the news media.
Discover how you can get involved with MOTA-NH and protect your homeowner rights.
Vista MOTA-NH Learn HereMeet Our ROC-NH Team
Contact Us
Contact our ROC-NH™ team to discuss training, infill, acquisition, infrastructure development, and anything else your park needs our support on.
Call: (603) 856-0727
There’s no words to explain how I feel - the gratitude and gratefulness. It’s wonderful to live like this. I can actually go in my own kitchen and cook dinner. Or boil water to have a cup of coffee- imagine that!
I knew this could be a really nice place if everything was fixed. This is me fulfilling a dream. I know what this place can be.
This has been really exciting for me — learning more about how the state government works and meeting my own New Hampshire State Senator and learning the procedures to go through to get to speak to these people.
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