hours & directions

contact us

We can be reached by phone at (603) 224-6669, by email to info@communityloanfund.org or by fax (603) 225-7425

If you speak a language other than English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Please email info@communityloanfund.org or call (800) 432-4110 to request interpretation.

Si habla un idioma que no sea inglés, los servicios de asistencia con el idioma, sin cargo, están disponibles para usted. Envíe un correo electrónico a info@communityloanfund.org o llame al (800) 432-4110 para solicitar interpretación.

Si vous parlez une langue autre que l'anglais, des services d'assistance linguistique, gratuits, sont à votre disposition. Veuillez envoyer un e-mail à info@communityloanfund.org ou appeler le (800) 432-4110 pour demander une interprétation.


Our offices are open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1 to 5 p.m., and we close at 3 p.m. Friday. See the Our Team page for contact information for individuals.


The New Hampshire Community Loan Fund is located at 7 Wall St. in downtown Concord, just off Interstate 93, the major north-south highway in New Hampshire.

Interstate 93 connects with Interstate 89 (to the west), and Interstate 393 (to the east) in Concord.

From I-93 (traveling north or south)
  • Take I-93 to Concord.
  • Get off at Exit 14.
  • At end of ramp, turn west onto Bridge Street. (If you’ve been traveling north, this is a left; if you’ve been traveling south, this is a right).
  • Turn left onto Main Street (Route 3).
  • Turn right at the next light, onto Pleasant Street (Route 202/9).
  • Travel one block and turn left onto South State Street.
  • Your first right is Wall Street.

The Community Loan Fund’s parking lot is the second driveway on the left. Parking is at the rear of the building (sign on building). Please check in with our receptionist in the Wall Street building; just proceed up the ramp that parallels the driveway to the door closest to Wall Street.

From Manchester Airport

The traffic pattern around the airport has changed, so please be sure to ask your car rental representative for directions to I-93 north.

From I-89 (traveling north or south)
  • Take I-89 to Exit 2 east, toward downtown Concord.
  • Travel down Clinton Street, to the second full set of lights (McKee Square).
  • Turn left onto South Street.
  • Turn right onto Fayette Street, and follow Fayette Street to the stop sign on South State Street.
  • Turn left onto South State Street and travel one block to Wall Street.
  • Turn left onto Wall Street.

NOTE: Wall Street is a one-way street between South State Street and South Streets, and is one block south of Pleasant Street.

The Community Loan Fund’s parking lot is the second driveway on the left. Parking is at the rear of the building (sign on building). Please check in with our receptionist in the Wall Street building; just proceed up the ramp that parallels the driveway to the door closest to Wall Street.

From I-393, Routes 4, 202, and 9 (traveling from the east)
  • Take Route 4/9/202 West to Concord. All these State Routes become I-393W just east of Concord. I-393 ends at the lights on North Main Street.
  • Turn left onto North Main Street (there are two lanes turning left at this intersection).
  • Travel through three (3) full sets of lights. At the fourth set of lights, turn right onto Pleasant Street.
  • Travel one block and turn left onto South State Street.
  • Your first right is Wall Street.

The Community Loan Fund’s parking lot is the second driveway on the left. Parking is at the rear of the building (sign on building). Please check in with our receptionist in the Wall Street building; just proceed up the ramp that parallels the driveway to the door closest to Wall Street.

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Email is not a secure form of communication. Please do not use email to send any confidential or sensative information, including Social Security numbers, account numbers or passwords. If you need to provide this type of information to the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund, contact us by phone at (603) 224-6669, by fax at (603) 225-7425, or by paper mail.

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