Small Business Development
Fondo de Ayuda para Desastres -

¡Apoye a Tanglewood Cooperative Park en el restablecimiento de la seguridad de la comunidad!

Plan Estratégico a 5 Años

A medida que continuamos haciendo nuestra parte para asegurarnos de que cada persona en New Hampshire pueda participar plenamente en la economía y la sociedad, estamos enfocando nuestra energía, recursos y modelo de vecinos ayudando a vecinos en tres áreas prioritarias estratégicas: Aumentar el impacto, fortalecer nuestras habilidades y adoptar nuestro papel de defensa de políticas estatales y federales.

Drone shot of solar
Close up of grass with building
Dudes in a shop conversing
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Prioridad estratégica 1: Aumentar el impacto

Ya se está trabajando para avanzar en nuestros objetivos en este ámbito. Durante los próximos cinco años, aprovecharemos nuestras fortalezas, nuestro espíritu innovador y nuestras asociaciones para impulsar nuestra misión de proporcionar a las personas y comunidades sistemáticamente excluidas los recursos financieros, humanos y cívicos que necesitan para tener seguridad económica.

  • People
    Fortalecimiento de Comunidades Saludables y Sostenibles

    Brindamos capacitación y orientación, préstamos comerciales y residenciales, junto con esfuerzos de política y defensa para beneficiar a las comunidades propiedad de residentes (ROC), organizaciones sin fines de lucro, empresas, atención médica y cuidado infantil para promover el éxito a largo plazo en las comunidades de New Hampshire.

  • Clean Energy
    Administración de Recursos Naturales

    Estamos aportando nuestras fortalezas y asociaciones para crear oportunidades en la agricultura, los bosques y el clima con el objetivo de ampliar el acceso a alimentos saludables, ayudar a los agricultores a adoptar soluciones climáticas, construir asociaciones con la industria forestal y ayudar a los prestatarios de ingresos bajos y moderados a reducir costos a través de soluciones asequibles de eficiencia energética.

  • Rocs
    Aumentar la sostenibilidad y la innovación de ROC

    Estamos trabajando con socios para desarrollar e implementar nuevos enfoques que aumenten la sostenibilidad financiera y el desarrollo de infraestructura en los ROC existentes, al tiempo que creamos formas más predecibles y alcanzables para que las personas sean propietarias de casas prefabricadas.

Fortalecimiento de Comunidades Saludables y Sostenibles

Group of men around a counter
Empoderar a las comunidades de ROC

We provide ROCs with ongoing coaching and guidance to help them achieve their goals of financial sustainability, including necessary infrastructure repairs and upgrades.

Roc meeting in a church
Fomentar y apoyar a las pequeñas empresas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro

Our lending helps organizations meet their current and future needs providing them with capital to improve and expand while providing jobs in their communities.

Couple with documents in front of a for sale sign
Colaboración de vivienda para el cuidado de la salud

We work with partners in communities to improve the healthcare industry’s ability to collaboratively generate affordable, efficient, healthy housing that promotes patient recovery.

Roc meeting in a church
Mejorar el acceso al capital de las subvenciones

Our NCIC team helps empower under-resourced and underserved communities to access grant capital, coaching, and guidance for inclusive  community and economic development.

People going over roc documents
Ampliar el financiamiento de casas prefabricadas

Building on our previous successes, we continue to work with investors and funders to expand and solidify homeowner access to fair, fixed-rate financing for manufactured homes.

Adult playing with a child
Apoye a la Red de Proveedores de Cuidado Infantil

We continue to collaborate with for-profit and nonprofit organizations to improve childcare buildings and facilities with the goal of creating greater access for low to moderate income families.

Administración de Recursos Naturales

Drone shot of crops
Ampliar el acceso a alimentos saludables

We will partner with organizations to support local efforts to expand access to healthy food. Plus, we are working to gather public and private funds to foster farm viability and develop climate-friendly and economically-just regional supply chains.

Homes roof with solar panels
Financiamiento de los agricultores para el cambio climático

We work collaboratively with farmers and technical service providers to financially support farmers who want to adopt practices and tools for a changing climate.

Drone shot of solar
Creación de asociaciones

Resources will be dedicated to actively establish, grow, and engage in partnerships related to healthy food access, climate solutions, and forest industry economies.

Nb ROC Mascoma solar
LMI Mitigación Climática y Adaptación Energética

As part of our energy efficiency efforts, we’re using an integrated approach to help increase climate mitigation and reduce energy adaptation costs for low- and moderate-income (LMI) borrowers.

A head of lettuce
Desarrollo de la Estrategia de Recursos Naturales

Initially, we will develop a plan for balancing farm, forest, and climate projects to maintain working lands as productive food sources, prevent greenwashing, and meet business needs.

Aumentar la sostenibilidad y la innovación de ROC

Wide shot of a roc alt
Alcance Estratégico

We will create outreach campaigns to connect with and empower low- and moderate-income (LMI) borrowers to become manufactured-home owners and support them through coaching, guidance, and lending.

Aerial shot of roc 2
Defensor de la Reforma de Zonificación

One aspect of our policy and advocacy work will include advocating for expanded zoning reform to support manufactured housing as one of the solutions to the housing crisis.

Aerial shot of a roc
Desarrollo de la estrategia de formación de la ROC

To expand our impact across New Hampshire, we will develop a replicable strategy for the creation of new ROCs from the ground up.

Meeting at an office
Garantizar la financiación de la ROC

Leveraging our experience with government funding we will ensure that ROCs have access to federal and state funding to preserve and repair the infrastructure needed for sustainable, safe, and healthy communities.

MAP brookford farm
Ampliar las alianzas climáticas

We will reach out to potential partners with the goal of becoming a reputable partner for facilitating climate mitigation projects in resident-owned communities.

Roc ops boot camp
Compartir Estudio de Factibilidad ROC

To help with the nationwide housing crisis, we will share our feasibility study findings of using the ROC model to create and preserve affordable housing.

Prioridad estratégica 2: Fortalecer nuestras capacidades

Estamos expandiendo, modernizando e invirtiendo en nuestros sistemas para mantener nuestro enfoque de impacto y crear estructuras internas que fomenten la excelencia. Para lograr nuestros objetivos, estamos desarrollando capacidades, desarrollando estratégicamente nuestra junta directiva, posicionándonos para ser la primera opción para los inversores de impacto y redefiniendo nuestras estrategias de concienciación y marketing.

  • Grantwriting
    Desarrollo de capacidades

    Nuestro objetivo es crear un entorno de trabajo y una cultura sostenibles para apoyar a un equipo de primera clase que se sienta valorado y respetado.

  • People
    Desarrollo de la Junta Directiva

    Pondremos en práctica nuestro plan para fortalecer nuestra capacidad de cumplir con nuestra misión y visión a través del desarrollo estratégico de nuestra Junta Directiva.

  • Gifts of stock
    Aumento de la capitalización

    A través del marketing, la mensajería y la divulgación dirigida, nos posicionaremos como una primera opción deseable para todo tipo de inversores de impacto.

  • Named permanent fund
    Concientización y marketing

    Estamos inmersos en un proceso de cambio de marca, mensajería y estrategia digital para ayudarnos a comunicar nuestros valores, impacto y oportunidades de participación.

Desarrollo de capacidades

Interview shot of a woman
Profundizamos nuestro compromiso con JEDI

We will take active steps to deepen our commitment to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI), especially in the area of systematically excluded people, including our borrowers, partners, staff, and leadership.

People with take the roc walk sign
Conviértase en un empleador de primera elección

To attract and retain top talent, we will continue to have a culture that makes us a desirable employer known for our mission-driven work and commitment to our staff.

Lunch meeting
Fortalecer nuestras capacidades

We will continue to build out our internal capacities including technology, infrastructure operations, and human resources to empower our staff to do their best work.

NHCLF 6771
Entregue productos y servicios valiosos

Our teams will continue to deliver the quality products and services to our borrowers we have built our reputation on while prioritizing work-life balance for our staff.

Tanglewood Drone 10
Integrar una perspectiva de solución climática

As interest grows, we will view and assess our initiatives — both internally and externally –  through a climate solution lens.

Nb lous staff
Fomentar la inclusión del personal remoto

Acknowledging the importance of human connections to our distributed workforce, we will institute a strategy to include remote staff through the appropriate use of technology.

Coworkers talking behind the couter
Mejorar la incorporación de empleados

To help new employees feel welcome from day one, we will improve our onboarding systems to help both onsite and fully remote new team members understand our culture.

Desarrollo de la Junta Directiva

Women in roc training
Inclusión activa

We will intentionally look to bring on board members in a way that includes voices that reflect the people that we serve.

Community loan fund community event
Fomentar las habilidades de liderazgo

We recognize that board service is a path toward leadership development and foster these skills amongst board members to better equip them to serve their communities.

Couple in front of a laptop
Potencie el pensamiento estratégico

To get the most value from our board members we will work with them to become strategic thought partners empowered to help us realize our vision.

Aumentar la capitalización

Two men walking and talking
Ampliar la sostenibilidad financiera

To deepen our ability to be financially sustainable, we will diversify our investment and donation sources to support the long-term growth of our products and services.

Kate talking in a group
Buscar subvenciones

In the current economic and infrastructure development environment we will continue to be opportunistic with grant resources and relationships to increase our impact.

Realtors in a snowy roc
Aumentar el impacto mutuo

We’re excited to expand our work with strategic partners to increase our mutual impact and reduce redundancy within our network to best serve our communities and borrowers.

Redefiniendo la conciencia y el marketing

NHCLF laptop mockup FINAL
Rebrand, nuevo sitio web y estrategia digital

We will leverage our recent rebrand, messaging, and digital strategy to build brand awareness and affinity with a new generation of borrowers, donors, and impact investors.

NHCLF Phone Mockup Final
Mensajería y marketing actualizados

To clearly communicate our value, staff, board members, and partners have developed current language and tools to clearly and consistently describe the work we do and why it matters to potential investors and funders.

Mockup of physical billboard
Aumentar la conciencia de la comunidad

Central to our strategy of increasing cause and brand awareness and connecting with stakeholders, is an increase in attendance by our staff at in-person events that align with our mission.

Prioridad Estratégica 3: Abrazar Nuestro Papel de Defensa de Políticas Estatales y Federales

Estamos en camino de convertirnos en líderes de opinión nacionales y socios de confianza en la defensa de políticas que mejoren la calidad de vida de aquellos a quienes servimos. Estamos desarrollando capacidades para apoyar las políticas estatales y federales que preservan y fortalecen las protecciones de las personas marginadas. Nuestro objetivo es ser la autoridad de referencia en materia de vivienda asequible, soluciones de energía limpia y acceso al capital para las personas históricamente desatendidas.

Steve s talking at an event
Amplifique los resultados

To showcase the value of this work, we will amplify the messages and outcomes of our advocacy work, including work led by our partners, to deliver on the needs of our borrowers.

Community loan fund talk
Generar confianza

Our goal is to become a trusted voice at state and federal levels on educating and advocating around social determinants of health including affordable housing, clean-energy solutions, and access to capital for historically underserved people.

Group applauding at an event
Apoyar a los responsables de la formulación de políticas

We continue to collaborate with federal and state policymakers and agencies looking to increase affordable home ownership and set policies in other aligned cause areas and fundraise for related awareness campaigns.

Photo op at a community loan fund event
Defensa de Fondos Federales y Estatales

Our advocacy strategy will continue to be focused on ensuring that federal and state funds relevant to our constituents are reaching those who need it — especially systematically excluded people.

Our organization is more scalable and dynamic than we ever have been in our history — and I can’t wait to be a part of our growth over the next few years as we launch new products, improve our existing services, and contribute further to growth and prosperity in our communities.

Jamie RichardsonBoard Chair, New Hampshire Community Loan Fund
Nhclf 101

Nuestro Plan Estratégico 2024-2029 se centra en alcanzar nuestra visión de un futuro en el que todas las personas tengan acceso a los recursos que necesitan para vivir vidas seguras y prósperas. Únete a nosotros.


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